Thursday, April 14, 2011

Here we go again

I am 4 weeks & 2 days pregnant with our second child.
So far-so good, I'm feeling great. It's kind of weird actually, I don't feel pregnant, not yet at least. I'm sure it will come soon enough.

Our new addition will be here sometime in December. Due date is December 19th, 2011-but we all know babies make their own schedules, so we'll see when this baby decides is appropriate.

So far only a few people know. We decided to keep it a bit more discreet than last time. As exciting as babies are, and as excited as we are to be having another child, we're not ready for my pregnancy to be the focus of our lives. When we told people I was pregnant with Logan the only topic anyone spoke with me about for the next 9 months was the baby, "when are you due?", "how are you feeling?", "is it a boy or a girl?", "what will you name him?". My identity became pregnant woman, which was difficult for me. I had just finished college, got a great job, moved 100 miles away, and had my whole life right in front of me. . . things I had worked so hard for, and yet all anyone could focus on was my pregnancy. I am so much more than a mother to Logan, or a wife to Danny, and it's difficult when others don't acknowledge it.

Another reason I'm not quite ready to share is that I'm not sure of how people will react. My Dad's reaction when I was pregnant with Logan was not exactly what I expected and my fear this time partially stems from that. It seems everyone has an opinion on the appropriate spacing of children, when you're financially ready, do you have the space, etc. I'm not ready to hear other people's opinions on the matter, because frankly 1. It doesn't matter and 2. I don't care. But while I don't care that people may disagree with our choice, it is difficult to hear differing opinions from family members on something Danny and I so deeply wanted. So I'm going to enjoy my parade until I'm ready for someone to rain on it, or I my belly starts to show :-)

In other news, Danny is incredibly excited about his new job! He's nearly halfway through training and very energetic. I'm thrilled and anxious waiting to see how our day-to-day routines change in the next coming months-good things are coming, I can feel it!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I've been meaning to start a blog for quite some time now. Honestly, the hardest part was deciding on a name for my blog. What did I want to convey? Who would this blog focus on? Ultimately, it focuses on US, our wonderful family unit, and the beginning of the rest of our lives.

So as I blog about our journey, follow me, there are endless adventures on the horizon.